
  • 1.  Password manager

    Posted May 17, 2024 09:44 AM

    Hello, we are looking for a password manager that allows for admin access/control. We have about 15 employees. I have looked at some options online but interested to hear what other associations are using/liking. Thanks!

    Laine Culbreath
    Senior VP of Finance and Administration
    The WICT Network: Empowering Women in Media, Entertainment and Technology
    Washington DC
    Annual Meeting 2024

  • 2.  RE: Password manager

    Posted May 17, 2024 09:56 AM

    We moved to 1Password a year ago and have been extremely pleased with it. 


    Bonus – and I think many are doing this – each corporate seat comes with a personal family plan as well.  So rather than staff mixing their personal and professional passwords together – you can clearly separate the accounts and entries. 


    Do not be surprised if staff fight adoption.  They are wedded to their browser based password managers. 


    Adam Kuhn   |   Director of Information Technology, FIA" target="_blank">" title="">Chat with me on Teams!|" target="_blank">Book a meeting


    Annual Meeting 2024

  • 3.  RE: Password manager

    Posted May 19, 2024 10:13 AM

    I'm a huge fan of Bitwarden.  Worked with a client that was going to go with 1Password, but found Bitwarden's automated user provisioning integration with MSFT to be easier to setup/manage. 

    Adam - has that been a challenge for you?

    Functionally - I find Bitwarden and 1Password to be about the same.  I love the ability to send encrypted information (text or files) through it.

    Brian Scott
    President / CTO / CISO
    ClearTone Consulting LLC
    Frederick MD

    Annual Meeting 2024

  • 4.  RE: Password manager

    Posted May 19, 2024 01:28 PM

    A brief check on Bitwarden shows a similar – and possibly more simplified way of provisioning than 1Password.  Not entirely sure.  They both require the setup of something called a "SCIM"


    With 1Password, I had to do this, no kidding, in a Google VM environment (first time for everything).  It's been working ever since and connects 1Password with my specifically setup M365 security  groups for 1P.  So – a new employee starts – we put them into the appropriate security group – and they get the invitation to join 1Password.  I also tie authentication with M365 – so it's a SSO type situation.  No master password to remember for your corporate account.  Plus – we have Duo 2FA setup for M365 – so you get a little extra protection as well. 


    Once you have the business account setup for the employee –they can then grab their family license. 


    However, other than departmental groups that rely on a group password manager for shared systems, you really cannot force folks to follow through with a password manager.  I mean you can – by turning it off in Chrome/Edge/Firefox.  That did not fly for more than a week and I had to turn it back on. 


    I have been selling the idea of a family password manager via stories around managing health care for elder parents – or the family Netflix password – and just things that should not like solely in the domain of one person's google account.  Not only is business continuity important – but family continuity is too.  None of this becomes real for folks until they struggle to access the medical portal for their 80 something or 90 something year old parent. 


    LMK if someone can figure out how to get more than 50% of their staff to use one. 


    Adam Kuhn   |   Director of Information Technology, FIA" target="_blank">" title="">Chat with me on Teams!|" target="_blank">Book a meeting


    Annual Meeting 2024

  • 5.  RE: Password manager

    Posted May 20, 2024 11:18 AM


    From the best I can tell, setting up SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Mgmt) is only needed for 1Password.  Bitwarden has already created an SSO app inside the MSFT applications marketplace - and that does all the integration for you.  1Password has not created an app yet (oddly).

    Brian Scott
    President / CTO / CISO
    ClearTone Consulting LLC
    Frederick MD

    Annual Meeting 2024