2021 Diversity and Inclusion Committee

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Signup Deadline: 12-06-2020
Starts: 01-01-2021
Ends: 12-31-2021
Location: Online Opportunity


In 2018, the Diversity + Inclusion Committee worked in collaboration with many in the field to create the ASAE 2019–2021 Diversity + Inclusion (D+I) Strategic Plan and now we are executing that plan. In 2021, a new plan will be developed and as the Committee continues to focus on the four strategic plan areas in the 2019-2021 plan in which we can help association leadership expand the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion from narrative to reality:

  • Top-Level Commitment and Accountability
  • Empowered Women
  • Algorithmic Responsibility
  • Formal Benchmarking and Informal Data Driven Dialog.

The Committee will also be working to create the 2022 - 2024 strategic plan. This plan will be presented to the ASAE Board in August 2021.

Volunteer activity begins in January 2021 with an orientation call and ends in December. The group has one mandatory meeting which will be held on Monday, February 1. The Committee is especially interested in members working in diversity, inclusion and equity as all or part of their work.


Projects for 2021 include: 

  • Creation of the 2022 - 2024 strategic plan for presentation to the ASAE Board. The ASAE Board approves the plan at its August meeting.
  • Based on 2019 assessment of association C-Suite leadership’s commitment to D+I, identify champions and craft ideas for targeted content of best practices for other association leaders.
  • Promote the CEO Action Site and develop metrics for determining success within the association community.
  • Create resources that explain leadership gender gaps and possible solutions
  • Use results of algorithmic responsibility task force to share AI biases and principles to combat it.
  • Work with ASAE Research Foundation to further market the Inclusion Index and develop metrics to analyze the results of those efforts

Diversity +Inclusion Committee Participation Requirements 

  • Attend ASAE Volunteer Orientation in January, Date: TBD
  • Attend the mandatory, virtual kickoff meeting on Monday, February 1, 2021 
  • A 3 to 5-hour commitment per month 
  • Committee members meet via conference call on the third Thursday of each month for 60 minutes. You may be asked to participate in workgroup discussions at a different time. 
  • Actively participate in discussions in ASAE Collaborate discussion groups.

*When filling out the application, applicants are encouraged to speak directly to how they meet the eligibility requirements and how they can contribute to the 2021 projects. 


  • Committee members assume travel expenses to attend any in-person meeting. ASAE does not reimburse Board, Committee, or Council members for travel. 
  • Members can only serve 1 (one) volunteer group (council or committee) at a time. 


Volunteers Needed:

5 (0 open slots)

Experience Required:

7 - 10 Years Industry Experience




Wanda Little-Coffey, CAE