The ASAE Professional Development Professionals Advisory Council (PDPAC) exists to help ASAE best serve members of the Professional Development community. We seek to disseminate resources through ASAE that advance member knowledge, competency, and professionalism. We serve in an advisory capacity to ASAE on programs, products, and services for association learning and certification professionals and regarding needs, issues, and trends in education, knowledge management, standard-setting, and credentialing.
Currently, the council has three areas of focus, which may be revised from time to time. • Engagement: Encouraging discussion and participation in ASAE events. • Content: Creating articles, presentations, tools, and other resources that would be helpful to PD professionals. • PD Resources: Advocating for the needs of PD professionals to ASAE and providing input to ASAE on the needs of PD professionals.
Work of the Group: The Professional Development Advisory Council is divided into subcommittees that complete work on behalf of the group. These groups are subject to change yearly based on the need from ASAE or the focus of the council.
Identifying trends and possible disruptions professional development professionals will face in the near future. This can be done during council meetings, discussions with ASAE staff, Collaborate discussions in the Professional Development Professionals Community and the continuation of the regularly scheduled PD Townhall sessions.
Supporting ASAE’s strategic plan through input, advice, and guidance as it relates specifically to professional development professionals. This will be guided by ASAE staff on an as needed basis throughout the term.
Advise on and when needed support the building of a resource base of knowledge and tools for professional development professionals including article topics for Associations Now Daily and proposals for ASAE’s major conferences. Committee members can identify topics, authors, speakers for ASAE without the expectation of creating the content but are welcome to be the creators of identified content.
Eligibility Requirements: 4 - 6 Years Industry Experience
Meeting Requirements:
Virtual Orientation Meeting- July 2024 - exact date TBD. Orientation meeting is mandatory for new volunteers.
Virtual Kick-off Meeting- July 2024 TBD
Optional in-person Volunteer and Cross-Collaboration events at ASAE Annual Meeting Saturday, August 10, 2024 (not required to attend for service)
A mid-year meeting is held Winter 2025. Currently, this meeting is being planned as a hybrid meeting.
Full Council meetings are bi-monthly.
Council members should also expect to meet with their subcommittee virtually to complete work on an as needed basis.
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants should have demonstrated experience and knowledge around issues surrounding the work of professional development professionals.
Applicants should feel comfortable contributing to council meetings, providing feedback on questions from ASAE, and bringing forth issues/topics in this demographic that ASAE should be aware of.
Selection Process:
The PDPAC is looking for 4 new members for the 2024-2025 term which means not all applicants will be accepted for this committee. The selection committee is comprised of the incoming volunteer chair, the incoming volunteer vice chair, the outgoing volunteer chair, and the ASAE executive staff liaison. The ASAE staff liaison plays a supporting role in this process.
Applications- Applicants should clearly define, in their application, how they can best serve on this group as outlined in the above description.
Additional Information:
New volunteers are required to attend the volunteer group’s orientation in order to serve.
Council members (or their organizations) pay their own travel expenses to attend meetings.
Diversity of Voice- With support of ASAE staff, the selection committee utilizes the ASAE Board Diversity Policy and Volunteer Model to ensure the group is comprised of a variety of voices from the membership. To support this effort, all ASAE members can log into their main ASAE account and update their information in their ASAE Profile to ensure it is complete and up to date.
• New volunteers are required to attend the volunteer group’s kickoff meeting in order to serve.
• ASAE does not reimburse Committee, or Council members for travel.
• Members can only serve 1 (one) volunteer group (council or committee) at a time.
In principle and in practice, ASAE values and seeks diversity and inclusive practices within the association management industry.
Sabrina Morelli