2024 Power of Associations Awards Committee

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Signup Deadline: 11-30-2023
Starts: 01-01-2024
Ends: 09-30-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


ASAE is seeking a diverse set of volunteers to help select the recipients for ASAE’s Power of Associations Awards (https://powerofassociations.org/awards/). These premier awards honor association programs that have made a significant impact in their community. Appointments are for one term but renewable for a maximum of three terms.

Volunteer Expectations

This is a rewarding “micro-volunteering” opportunity, with a limited – but dedicated – time commitment. The general committee calendar for 2024 is projected to be as follows:

·       Kick-Off Meeting: January 2024

·       Bias Training: March/April 2024

·       First Round (Silver/Gold) Judging Period: 6-24 May

·       Silver/Gold Selection Meeting: week of 3 June

·       Second Round (Summit) Judging Period: 10-28 June

·       Summit Selection Meeting: week of 8 July

·       Debrief Meeting: TBD

·       Awards Dinner: September 24, 2024

All meetings will be held virtually**. Exact times will be set via Doodle poll once all committee members have been seated.

It is expected that members set aside sufficient time during the May-July time frame to judge assigned applications and to participate in the selection meetings. This is the most time-critical period. Members may be asked to judge approximately 50 applications during each of the two rounds of judging, depending on the total number submitted and the number identified for possible Summit Award recognition.


(*) Attendance at the Awards Dinner is optional and non-complimentary.

(**) Committee members assume travel expenses to attend any in-person meetings. ASAE does not reimburse Board, Committee, or Council members for travel.

Volunteers Needed:

8 (0 open slots)

Experience Required:

4 - 6 Years Industry Experience




Mary Kate Cunningham, CAE