The Consultant Community Taskforce shall:
Develop suggestions for ASAE Staff to further a strong partnership and collaboration between the Consultant Community and ASAE. These recommendations will advise ASAE Staff on consultant member opinions, perspectives, issues affecting their organizations, and create a path/multiple paths forward for all Consultant Members. Including but not limited to:
· Create ASAE infographic of ASAE Consultant Membership Benefits
· Create networking opportunities for ASAE Consultant Members
· Develop the agenda and meeting footprint of the Consultant’s Breakfast at the ASAE Annual Meeting
Taskforce Structure
The ASAE Consultant Community Taskforce shall be made up of no more than 12 individual ASAE consultant members.
§ The Committee composition shall have balanced representation from sole practitioners, small firms, and larger consulting firms.
The taskforce will be comprised of:
· (1) Chair
· (1) Vice Chair
· (8) Committee Members (mix of sole practitioners and firm-based consultants)
o 2 members w/ 1 – 5 years of experience
o 2 members w/ 6 – 11 years of experience
o 2 members w/ 12 – 19 years of experience
o 2 members w/ 20+ years of experience
· (1) ASAE Staff Liaison
· All meetings will be held virtually. Exact times will be set via Doodle poll once all committee members have been seated.
· (*) Committee members assume travel expenses to attend any in-person meetings. ASAE does not reimburse Board, Committee, or Council members for travel.
Commitment & Timeline:
· The Consultant Community Taskforce is a rewarding “micro-volunteering” opportunity, with a limited – but dedicated – time commitment.
· All meetings will be held virtually. Exact times will be set via Doodle poll once all committee members have been seated.
· (*) Committee members assume travel expenses to attend any in-person meetings. ASAE does not reimburse Board, Committee, or Council members for travel.
To become a member of the Consultant Community Taskforce, you must be an:
· ASAE consultant member in good standing.
o All taskforce members must be current ASAE consultant members who have a strong grasp of the association community and a track record of association consultancy involvement (e.g., at least three years of consecutive consultant membership in ASAE or at least three years association consulting income).
· The committee desires a diverse and inclusive group of volunteers who bring a wide range of skills, experiences, areas of professional expertise, location, and career levels.