Volunteer Opportunity Details

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CAE Commission Members

Signup Deadline: 05-06-2016
Starts: 08-13-2016
Ends: 08-12-2017
Location: Salt Lake City, UT volunteer opportunity location


This independent certifying agency of ASAE is responsible for setting policy and standards related to the Certified Association Executive (CAE) program. CAE Commission members must have earned and maintained the CAE designation and currently be an employee of a qualifying organization. The Commission requires four meetings. The first of which is at ASAE's Annual Meeting, on August 13, 2016 in Salt Lake City, UT.

Applications for this opportunity will be accepted until May 6 or sufficient applications have been received.

Volunteers Needed:

3 (3 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary




Lori Furtado, ICE-CCP, CAE