2024-2025 CAE Exam Committee

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Signup Deadline: 04-30-2024
Starts: 07-01-2024
Ends: 08-31-2025
Location: Online Opportunity


The CAE Examination Committee is responsible for reviewing and editing examination questions and making the final selection of items that comprise each test form. The Exam Committee is also responsible for monitoring the items in the CAE item bank and for retiring existing items or recording them to appropriate references 

The Exam Committee is composed of 12-15 subject matter experts and is led by a chair who serves a one-year term. Each committee member is appointed for a one-year term and may be re-appointed for three consecutive terms in a non-officer position. 

Meeting Requirements:  

The committee meets virtually four times per year during March, May, October, and December.  (Meetings may be held in a virtual, in-person, or hybrid format for the upcoming committee year.) 

Eligibility Requirements: 

1. Must have a current CAE. 

2. CAE Exam Committee members cannot be directly involved in any preparation or presentation of instructional materials or programs designed to prepare persons to complete the CAE certification process during service on the committee and for at least two (2) years after servicing on the committee. 

3. Current CAE Exam Committee members agree to not serve on the ASAE Board or ASAE educational committees. 

Experience Required:  

10+ Years of Industry Experience 


Selection Process: 
Not all applicants will be accepted for this committee. The selection committee is comprised of the incoming chair, the incoming chair-elect, the immediate past chair, and the ASAE executive staff liaison. The ASAE staff liaison plays a key supporting role in this process. 
Diversity of Voice- With the support of ASAE staff, the selection committee utilizes the ASAE Board Diversity Policy and Volunteer Model to ensure the group is comprised of a variety of voices from the membership.  To support this effort, all ASAE members can log into their main ASAE account and update their information in theirASAE Profile to ensure it is complete and up to date. 

• New volunteers are required to attend the volunteer group’s kickoff meeting in order to serve. 

• ASAE does not reimburse Committee, or Council members for travel. 

• Members can only serve 1 (one) volunteer group (council or committee) at a time. 

In principle and in practice, ASAE values and seeks diversity and inclusive practices within the association management industry. 

Volunteers Needed:

4 (0 open slots)

Experience Required:

10+ Years Industry Experience




Jamar Wright, ICE-CCP, CAE