ASAE Research Foundation Development Committee

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Signup Deadline: 05-26-2023
Starts: 09-01-2023
Ends: 08-31-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


What is the Foundation Development Committee? 

The committee is comprised of volunteer leaders who support the work of the ASAE Foundation by creating awareness of the Foundation’s value and assisting with the identification and securing of financial resources within the association community.  This is a fundraising group. The first conference call will be held in late August/early September as a virtual orientation (mandatory for new members). 

How is the Committee organized? 

The committee is led by a chair who serves a one-year term. A vice chair is also appointed for a one-year term and then succeeds the chair. Each committee member is usually appointed for a one-year term and may be reappointed for no more than a total of three consecutive years of service. Committee terms begin September 1 and end August 31. Committee members may work with specific subcommittees to meet Foundation goals for specific initiatives.  The Committee is supported by a staff liaison who works with the group on a day-to-day basis and provides overall strategic leadership to the group consistent with the goals and objectives of the ASAE Foundation.  Each committee member is usually appointed for a one-year term and may be reappointed for no more than a total of three consecutive years of service.  

How often does the Committee meet? 

Every quarter, the committee will meet virtually via conference call. All volunteers are invited to a volunteer recognition reception at ASAE Annual Meeting. A full schedule of Foundation events at the Annual Meeting will be provided to Committee members in advance. There may be monthly conference calls scheduled by small working groups or task forces. A new member orientation (virtual) will be held in late August/early September.

Who pays my expenses? 

Committee members (or their organizations) pay their own travel expenses to attend meetings. Most meetings are scheduled to take advantage of larger ASAE meetings.  ASAE does not reimburse committee members for travel. 


What are my responsibilities as a Committee member? 

Committee members are expected to attend committee calls and meetings (as outlined above), actively participate, directly solicit donations from individuals, organizations and for-profit companies and supporting ASAE’s strategic priorities. For more information see the general “Committee Member Position Description” included below.

Committee member responsibilities include:

       Solicit fellow members and association professionals to donate to the Foundation.

       Regularly call and email thank you notes to donors.

       Offer insights on development campaigns.

       Utilize specialized talent and skills in support of accomplishing development project goals.

       Serving on at least one task force. The commitment(s) required of the task force(s) is in addition to those required of the Development Committee.

General ASAE Volunteer Group Member Position Description and Responsibilities

Position Description:

Volunteers are appointed by the leadership of ASAE, but report to the volunteer group chair regarding day-to-day volunteering activities. Volunteers must actively participate in the work of the group, provide thoughtful input to deliberations, focus on the best interests of ASAE/ASAE Foundation and the membership rather than personal or constituent interests, and work toward the accomplishment of the goals as outlined by the volunteer group’s plan of work for the volunteer year as well as those described in ASAE's strategic plan.

General Responsibilities:

1.     Attends all meetings (in person, conference call, and virtual), generally including ASAE’s Annual Meeting in August and notifies the primary staff liaison whenever there is a scheduling conflict.

2.     Reviews all relevant material prior to meetings. Prepares to make contributions and voice objective opinions concerning issues and activities.

3.     Actively participates on at least one subcommittee(s) and/or task force(s).

4.     Accepts and completes special assignments as requested.

5.     Promotes volunteer involvement by maintaining an understanding of activities, discussions and programs.

6.     Assists in formulating products and services that will further the goals and objectives of the group and ASAE.

7.     Promotes ASAE and the group by supporting and participating in membership recruitment/retention activities.

8.     Identifies meaningful topics and possible authors and presenters for the newsletter, education sessions, publications, etc. (topics to be approved and coordinated through the chair, staff liaison, or other designate).

9.     Responds promptly to correspondence and information requests from the staff liaison and other group members.

10.  Represents the group in other meetings of ASAE as requested.

11.  Promotes clarity within the group on their role and how it supports and fits within ASAE.

12.  Maintains current membership in ASAE during the volunteer term.

13.  Immediately informs the staff liaison and chair of the group if personal or professional circumstances change to the extent that they cause disruption in the ability to perform the above-listed responsibilities.

Applicant Requirements (A member must be available to do all of the following for this opportunity): 

-       Attend monthly conference calls to provide and hear updates on committee traction 

-       An interest in fundraising and a willingness to learn best practices. 

-       Volunteer will be required to make donation asks of others. 

-       Willingness to follow-up and send thank you notes and calls to donors of the Foundation.


Consultants - Fundraising/Sponsorship/Endowments
Fundraising, Development and Sponsorships

Volunteers Needed:

12 (2 open slots)

Experience Required:

4 - 6 Years Industry Experience




Morgan Maravich