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Meet other meetings/events professionals in this fast and fun -- but productive -- virtual networking event. If you organize meetings, conferences and events -- online or in-person -- join us for a networking meetup
10-20-2020 | 11:30 - 12:30 ET
The 2018 Annual Meeting & Exposition is an inclusive opportunity for all current and future ASAE members in the association industry to engage in exceptional formal and informal learning experiences that help to advance career and professional development, individual productivity, and organizational effectiveness. Peer Reviewers serve a key role to ensure that extraordinary learning opportunities are selected from the proposals submitted. Since the Annual Meeting & Exposition offers participants both both broad and deep learning experiences, Peer Reviewers help to shape a dynamic and meaningful program
Oct 30, 2017 | Short Task (a few hours)
Bear focuses on the data of events and through that lens Joe will share his insights about where we have been and where we are going in 2022 and beyond, whether your meeting is Virtual, Live or you are looking at Hybrid formats. Key Takeaways – Five (5) learnings from hosting virtual meetings over the past 12 months How and where virtual meetings show promise and can succeed and where they just don’t! Discussion of hot topics that are impacting association virtual meetings including: Delta Variant and 2022 Data Ownership The Promise of Events Post-pandemic Respect for Your Member’s attention and time Join us for this lively discussion and the opportunity to ask Joe or James any questions you may have on the 2022 virtual meetings landscape.
09-09-2021 | 14:00 - 15:00 ET
Please join us for a lively discussion on how to create value for Sponsors and Exhibitors for your Virtual Gala, Conference, or Annual meeting. This will include a presentation by Justin Watson from Association Virtual Conferences followed by discussion from attendees
08-20-2020 | 14:00 - 15:30 ET
Volunteers are needed to assist with the CAE exam development process in conjunction with the recent CAE exam content outline update. Two virtual meetings will be held with individual pre-work and work in between meetings. Participants must: be a current CAE sign a confidentiality agreement commit to abstain from CAE candidate preparation and study courses/groups for two years be able to fully participate in the meetings without interruption A small group of volunteers will be selected to serve on the standards-setting task force based on a diverse representation of varying demographics including association type/size, position level, and years in association management
Oct 21, 2020 | Small Project (up to 40 hours total)
Represent, connect with and engage the larger body of ASAE international members. Meeting Requirements: This group requires two in-person meetings with one of those meetings scheduled at the ASAE Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio August 10, Saturday, 2019 at 8 am to 12 pm
Aug 10, 2019 | Small Project (up to 40 hours total)
Eligibility Requirements: Must meet ASAE’s YP age requirement – 35 and under with a current ASAE membership. Meeting Requirements: Virtual Orientation Meeting - July 12 , 202 4 (mandatory): This meeting will be used to close out 202 3 -202 4 term and orientation for 202 4 -202 5 term. Virtual Kick-off Meeting – July 2024. This meeting will be used to discuss goals for the new year.
Jul 01, 2024 | Small Project (up to 40 hours total)
This group has two in-person meetings with one of those meetings scheduled at the ASAE Annual Meeting in Las Vegas , Nevada August 8 , Saturday, 20 20 .
Aug 08, 2020 | Small Project (up to 40 hours total)