ASAE World Cafe - Developing International Markets and Legal Aspects

When:  Jun 8, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM (ET)

Join members of the ASAE International Associations Advisory Council at the next World Cafe, featuring association experts in two panel discussions.

Welcome and Introductions (11:00 - 11:05 am) 

Host: Jakub Konysz, Global Navigators

Panel One: Developing International Markets (11:05 - 11:30 am)

For many years, associations successfully entered and developed new international markets, some gaining significant return on investment and engagement. While no association pursues international growth following the exact same pathway, there are some strategic and tactical considerations each one should consider. Members of the ASAE International Associations Advisory Council will share their experience and lessons learned in what worked and what didn’t when they developed international markets for their associations. 

Moderator: Kristin Hodgson, Project Management Institute 
Panelist: Pietro Macchiarella, Young Presidents' Organization 
Panelist: Jim Piechowski, HOCK International 

Discussion (11:30 - 11:55 am)

Sylvia Gonner, CAE, CultureWiz and Joanne H Joham, CMP, CMM, DES, Global Strategies   

BREAK (11:55 am - 12 noon)

Panel Two: Legal Aspects of Associations Working Internationally (12 noon - 12:30 pm)

From intellectual property to taxation laws, associations working internationally can face much more complicated legal issues than in a purely domestic operation. Association executives should be aware of applicable U.S. laws also the laws of the foreign countries in which they work. Members of the ASAE International Associations Advisory Council will discuss some strategic and tactical legal considerations associations working internationally should consider. 

Moderator: Matt Riley, ICS International Conference Services
Panelist: Kerry Cosby, American Association for Clinical Chemistry  
Panelist: Jefferson C. Glassie, FASAE, Partner, Whiteford Law

Discussion (12:30 - 12:55 pm)

Sylvia Gonner, CAE, CultureWiz and Joanne H Joham, CMP, CMM, DES, Global Strategies


Dial-in Instructions:
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 829 1758 8473 Passcode: 443678 One tap mobile +13052241968,,82917588473#,,,,*443678# US
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Jakub Konysz