Disabled Association Pros & Accessibility Allies

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A forum to create a space and recognition for disabled association professionals, accessibility allies, and our vendor partners in our ASAE community.
Join us to learn more, engage in disability rights support, intersectionality, and how disability inclusion touches all domains of the CAE.
No need to disclose or be a person with a disability to participate.
Our ability to present this community of association professionals and our partners also elevates our visibility as part of the larger association community.

US: ADA, Section 5014, and the ACA Mean Accessible Telehealth, Health Tech, and Content

  • 1.  US: ADA, Section 5014, and the ACA Mean Accessible Telehealth, Health Tech, and Content

    Posted 13 days ago

    Excepted from Lainey Feingold's blog


    On May 1st the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a press release titled HHS Finalizes Rule Strengthening Protections Against Disability Discrimination. The Rule is officially titled Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance.

    In summarizing the new Rule (also referred to as a regulation) the release states:

    Reflecting over fifty years of advocacy by the disability community, the Section 504 Final Rule clarifies and strengthens civil rights protections for people with disabilities, addresses discrimination in medical treatment, adds enforceable standards for accessible medical diagnostic equipment, and ensures accessible web content and mobile apps. The rule advances the promise of the Rehabilitation Act and helps protect people with disabilities from experiencing discrimination in any program or activity receiving funding from HHS because of their disability.HHS May 1, 2024 press release

    The release explains highlights of the new new Rule, including that it:

    • Prohibits the use of any measure, assessment, or tool that discounts the value of a life extension on the basis of disability to deny, limit, or otherwise condition access to an aid, benefit or service.
    • Defines what accessibility means for websites and mobile applications and sets forth a specific technical standard to ensure that health care and human service activities delivered through these platforms are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.

    Learn more here:

    Samantha Evans, CAE, ICE-CCP, MBA (she/her)
    The Accessible CAE
    Certification Director
    Intl. Assoc. of Accessibility Professionals, a division of G3ict
    CAE Prep Course