CEO/President/Executive Directors

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A forum for association Chief Executive Officers/Presidents/Executive Directors to engage in conversation, swap ideas, and provide support and solidarity...because "it's lonely at the top."
  • 1.  Certification Software

    Posted May 23, 2024 09:15 AM
    Good morning,

    We are currently in the process of researching software options for managing our association's certificate programs more efficiently. We're looking for a comprehensive solution that can handle tasks such as tracking applications, managing renewals, sending automated emails, processing payments, and more. Integration with Aptify would be a plus. If you have any software recommendations, or can share how your association manages these workflows, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Don Erickson

    Security Industry Association

    (301) 804-4747





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    Giving Tuesday 2024

  • 2.  RE: Certification Software

    Posted May 24, 2024 06:51 AM


    Are you looking for something off the shelf or looking to retrofit what you currently use? I only ask because I just posted in one of the other communities about a colleague I've worked with before who provides legacy software solutions--

    As he puts it on his website: "Replacing technologies is not always the best solution. In fact, it can ultimately create more work. The better way is to fit your current systems around your business so that you have the structure and order you need to continue to innovate, improve, and grow."

    I'd be happy to make a connection if you'd like. His name is John Eckhardt with CodePros.



    Avi S. Olitzky
    President & Principal Consultant | Olitzky Consulting Group, LLC | 917.359.3661 | Minneapolis

    (Pronouns: he/him)

    Giving Tuesday 2024

  • 3.  RE: Certification Software

    Posted May 24, 2024 06:56 AM
    Hi Avi,

    Thanks for the outreach! I just need a review of what we have, how well it works together based on our needs, and security measures/protocols. The client is new and I am in the process of reviewing the entire organization. Software is just one aspect. I would be happy for an introduction. The more information, the better.

    Thanks so much.

    Dawn Gannon, MBA, CAE

    President & CEO

    D: +1 732-539-1350

    To schedule a meeting, please follow this link.

    Giving Tuesday 2024