2017 - 2018 Legal Section Council

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Signup Deadline: 08-21-2017
Starts: 09-01-2017
Ends: 08-31-2018
Location: ASAE - 1575 I Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 volunteer opportunity location


The Legal Section Council is dedicated to disseminating knowledge and connecting professionals concerned with association legal issues.

The Legal Section Council holds two in-person meetings each year. The first of these meetings is a mandatory kick off meeting at ASAE Headquarters in Washington, DC which will be held in week of September 25th, 2017. The second in-person meeting will be in spring 2018, which is usually held in conjunction with the Association Law Symposium in Chicago. There are also a series of teleconferences held throughout the year for the council and its subcommittees. 

The group's work for 2017-2018 includes: 

  • Recommending and advising ASAE on ways to improve programs and services for Legal Section members;
  • Authoring the monthly Association Law & Policy (ALP) in ASAE’s E-magazine Associations Now Plus.
  • Authoring the Good Counsel column in ASAE’s publication Associations NOW.
  • Advising ASAE University staff on the content of the Annual Association Law Symposium, actively helps promote, and ideally participates in the Conference;
  • Submitting proposals (or identify potential submissions from outside the council) to other ASAE conferences.
  • Considering ways to increase a sense of community among Legal Section professionals via social media, Collaborate, and other means.

The 2017-2018 Legal Section Council term will begin on September 1, 2017.

In principle and in practice, ASAE values and seeks diversity and inclusive practices within the association management industry.

ASAE promotes involvement, innovation, and expanded access to leadership opportunities that maximize engagement across identity groups and professional levels. Identity groups include and are not limited to age, appearance, disability, ethnicity, gender, geographic location, nationality, professional level, race, religion, and sexual orientation.


AS - Association Management Company Section
Assn CEO / Executive Director
Chief Staff Officer (#1)
Chief Staff Officer (#1)
C-Level, Exec Team, VP
Executive Management, Strategic Planning and Governance
Government Relations and Public Policy
Government Relations and Public Policy
GS - Government Relations Section
LS - Legal Section
NS - Consultants Section

Volunteers Needed:

4 (0 open slots)

Experience Required:

Director Level Industry Experience




Myisha Headen