· We are seeking ASAE Consultant member association professionals to join the Key Consultant Committee (KCC).
· In addition to serving as a resource to the ASAE President and CEO, Michelle Mason; the primary function of the KCC is to serve as a strategic body that will review and approve the work of the Consultant Community Taskforce. Making sure their work is aligned with ASAE’s Organizational Priorities – Destination 2026*.
· KCC meetings will be an exchange of best practices in organizational and board management among peers and through outside experts. Members seek examples of innovative, knowledge-based practices that they can apply in their own organizations that lead to more effective leadership, decision-making, and outcomes.
· The Committee Chairs with help from the ASAE staff liaison has the responsibility to outline and develop an agenda for meetings that:
o Provide content and presenters that are highly relevant to the KCC members.
o Are interactive and allow time for sharing concerns, successes, and social interaction among peers.
o Provide an effective forum for ASAE staff and leadership to present research, product plans, and strategic issues for discussion and feedback.
· Recent discussions, facilitated by KCC members themselves as well as guest speakers, have highlighted highly relevant topics such as innovative membership models, appropriate governance, and practices for orienting and educating boards of directors, utilizing volunteer workforce, and talent management.
· All KCC members must be current ASAE members who have a strong grasp of the association community and a track record of association consultancy involvement (e.g., at least three years of consecutive consultant membership in ASAE or at least three years association consulting income).
· Interested applicants should have an interest in aligning the goals of the Consultant Community in furtherance of ASAE’s Destination 2026*.
(*) Destination 2026
· Goal I: Create Member Value
o Develop targeted tools and practical solutions to address member needs.
o Build strong professional peer communities.
o Be the comprehensive source for association content and metrics.
· Goal II: Foster Workforce Development
o Nurture and develop diverse talent in the community.
o Help associations elevate DEI and Conscious Inclusion.
o Expand awareness of association career pathways for current and new audiences.
· Goal III: Elevate Associations
o Promote associations through advocacy and The Power of Associations.
o Enhance the global influence of associations through partnerships and collaborations.
o Focus on enterprise-wide environmental, social and governance (ESG).
· Goal IV: Enhance Culture and Infrastructure
o Build and stabilize high performing and responsive team and culture.
o Focus on operational excellence, delivery, and technology infrastructure.
o Focus on workplace and real estate planning and strategy.
Experience level requirements for taskforce members:
The committee will be comprised of:
· No more than 16 individual ASAE consultant members who are senior principals in their firm’s executive leadership.
· The Committee composition shall have balanced representation from sole practitioners, small firms, and larger consulting firms.
· There are many sectors represented in the committee makeup including but not limited to:
o Strategic Planning/Facilitation Consultant
o HR Consulting/Executive Search
o Operations Consultant
o Career consulting
o Information Technology Consultant
o Business/Management Consultant
o Law consulting
o Advertising & Branding Consultant
o Financial/Accounting/Tax Consulting
o Membership/Marketing Consulting
· Only one individual per firm may serve on the committee at any time.
· Committee Composition
o (1) Chair
o (1) Vice-Chair
o (1) Consultant Community Taskforce Chair
o (13) Member Positions
Commitment & Timeline:
· Most meetings will be held virtually, with the exception of the Consultant Community Breakfast at ASAE Annual Meeting and 1 in-person meeting to be held at ASAE Offices.
· Exact times will be set via Doodle poll once all committee members have been seated.
· Committee members serve three-year terms with possible appointments to a second term for a maximum of six years of consecutive service. Terms coincide with the ASAE fiscal year (September 1st – August 31st).
· (*) Committee members assume travel expenses to attend any in-person meetings. ASAE does not reimburse Board, Committee, or Council members for travel.
Volunteers Needed:
· 8 (8 open positions)
Experience Required:
To become a member of the Key Consultant Community, you must be an:
· ASAE consultant member in good standing.
o All taskforce members must be current ASAE consultant members who have a strong grasp of the association community and a track record of association consultancy involvement (e.g., at least three years of consecutive consultant membership in ASAE or at least three years association consulting income).
· Have experience working in different functional areas/holding different staff roles within the association industry as stated above.
· The committee desires a diverse and inclusive group of volunteers who bring a wide range of skills, experience, areas of professional expertise, location, and career levels.