CEO/President/Executive Directors

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A forum for association Chief Executive Officers/Presidents/Executive Directors to engage in conversation, swap ideas, and provide support and solidarity...because "it's lonely at the top."

Your Ability to Innovate Determined By Your Ability to Pause

  • 1.  Your Ability to Innovate Determined By Your Ability to Pause

    Posted Aug 13, 2024 08:04 AM

    Your Ability to Innovate Determined By Your Ability to Pause

    ... struggles with feeling tired, emotionally overwhelmed, and cognitively overloaded and are close to burnout. They attribute these issues to the pervasive and addictive nature of technology, exacerbated by the pandemic and divisive global conflicts, accelerating change and the rise of AI and hybrid work. As a result, many have retreated and frozen into a state of habitual, reactive 'busyness.' This affects their overall emotional, physical, and mental health and wellness. It also inhibits their ability to focus, create, invent and innovate and restricts their optimism, hope, and positivity about their future in an unstable and uncertain world.

    Don Dea FASAE
    Board Chair
    Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc and America's Vet Dogs
    Santa Monica CA
    CAE Prep Course