CEO/President/Executive Directors

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A forum for association Chief Executive Officers/Presidents/Executive Directors to engage in conversation, swap ideas, and provide support and solidarity...because "it's lonely at the top."

Free Webinar 12/06 - Engaging Deskless & Hybrid Workers (Part 2 of 6 Session Series)

  • 1.  Free Webinar 12/06 - Engaging Deskless & Hybrid Workers (Part 2 of 6 Session Series)

    Posted Nov 21, 2023 08:46 AM

    Good morning and happy (almost) Thanksgiving!

    On December 6th from 12:00 - 1:30 ET I'm hosting a deep-dive webinar to specifically work through engagement and content creation, Engaging Deskless and Hybrid Workers - Messaging That Gets Attention.

    As a valued member of my network, I'm sharing a FREE PROMO LINK to use. 

    I want to invite you so we can work through case studies and answer your questions about how to reach deskless and hybrid workers with your internal communications

    Additionally, this series will include drill-down webinars on the following topics:

    • Creating Content Calendars - Prevent the TLDR (Jan 3)
    • Writing for Culture Types - Comms That Meet Your Workforce Where They Are (Jan 24)
    • Your Communications Policy - The Easy Playbook to Organize Communications Activities (Feb 14)
    • Leverage Your Intranet to Supercharge Knowledge Sharing (Mar 6)

    Take care, and we'll see you soon,


    Lizabeth Wesely-Casella
    Founder & CEO
    L-12 Services Corp
    Washington DC
    (202) 415-6987
    CAE Prep Course