Tiffany, I highly recommend Bill - I worked with him at my last association and he knows his stuff!
Bill Voegeli
Association Insights
2208 Zermatt Ct SE
Smyrna, GA 30080-6566
Office: +1 404-355-3414
N. America Toll Free: 1-866-733-6460
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Catherine Lada, D.Sc., CAE
Fractional Association Chief Marketing Officer for Hire
Member, 2023-2024 ASAE Marketing Professionals Advisory Council
cathylada@gmail.comwww.CathyLada.com @cathylada
Original Message:
Sent: Apr 12, 2023 05:55 PM
From: Tiffany Jackson, CAE
Subject: Annual State of the Industry Reports
I am an ED for a small group of specialty educators and we would like to create an annual "State of the Industry" report. We have some data, but we are looking for a professional company that produces reports like this and could potentially help us find more industry data. Are there any suggestions on where to source companies to produce reports like this?
Tiffany Jackson CAE
Executive Director