CEO/President/Executive Directors

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A forum for association Chief Executive Officers/Presidents/Executive Directors to engage in conversation, swap ideas, and provide support and solidarity...because "it's lonely at the top."

Doing away with triplicate motion forms

  • 1.  Doing away with triplicate motion forms

    Posted Jul 19, 2024 10:56 AM

    Our association has had the practice of using  triplicate motion forms and I have been tasked to find an alternative. 

    Our motions require two signatures and I'd like to ask what online forms you are using that allows for motions to be typed out and shared in a more efficient manner. 
    Appreciate your product recommendations.


    Elke Gonzalez CAE
    Chief Executive Officer
    Texas Counseling Association
    Austin TX
    (512) 472-3403
    CAE Prep Course